
David Daly, Parish Safeguarding


Parish Safeguarding

David Daly is the Parish Safeguarding representative, if you have any concerns you are welcome to share them with him. who can provide assistance and  support.


Volunteers for parish roles:

All  must be approved by the Diocese and the national DBS (used to be called CRB) framework. These are legal requirements. This does not apply to Readers but does apply to all Catechists, Eucharistic Ministers and adults performing all other roles where they might come into contact with children or vulnerable adults. This is a form-filling process by which identity is verified. Each volunteer should complete the process before appointment.


The first step is to fill in an application form for the particular role and to have two referees who are prepared to fill in a short Diocese-approved tick box form as to suitability. The necessary forms are available in the Parish Office and the Diocese will not issue a DBS form (which bears a unique reference number) until they are assured by David that this initial step has been completed. David is available to assist in completing and advising as to provision of evidence to support the DBS form (e.g. driving licence, passport, marriage certificate). It is his task to submit the forms with copy documentation when complete. Volunteers will not be charged for this process.


If you have any queries feel free to contact David via email or speak to him personally after Sunday Mass. He normally attends the evening Mass.

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